Even though I searched, I found a lot of data, but I couldn't find it, so I couldn't find the final data, so I made it myself and tested it after modifying the Apple Power Mac G5 fan connector.
It can only be used on Apple devices, but has now been modified so that it can be used universally on PC.
총 4개의 fan의 pin을 기존 애플배열에서 일반pc에서 범용으로 사용가능하게 수정할 예정이다.
(이미 수정된 사진을 올렸습니다. 여기에서 블로우팬은 사용하지않기때문에 제외하였습니다.)
A total of 4 fan pins will be modified from the existing Apple arrangement to allow general use on general PCs.
(I have already uploaded a modified photo. I excluded the blow fan here because it is not used.)
hdd fan 2핀 배열완료!
hdd fan 2 pin arrangement complete!
front fan 은 pci 에어덕트 판넬과 연결되어지는 부분이기때문에 따로 수정하지않습니다.
(판넬없이 사용시 개조가능하나, 커넥터부분의 공간이 협소해서 쉽지않습니다.)
The front fan does not need to be modified separately because it is the part connected to the PCI air duct panel.
(It is possible to modify it when used without a panel, but it is not easy because the space in the connector area is small.)
front fan 판넬 커넥터 수정완료하였습니다.
The front fan panel connector has been modified.
pci fan 커넥터 수정하였습니다.
The pci fan connector has been modified.
rear fan 커넥터 수정하였습니다.
The rear fan connector has been modified.
커넥터 pin배열 수정한것은 아래와같습니다.
The modified connector pin arrangement is as follows.
apple power mac g5 fan pin out(mod)
위와같이 커넥터 수정이 필요합니다.
12v : +12v(yellow)
5v: +5 v(red)
G: Ground(black)
X :n/a (연결하지않음)
12v 연결시 소음발생
5v 연결시 조용함 수준
그럼, 이만...즐거운 튜닝생활 하시길...
Connector modification is required as shown above.